Safety concern It is difficult for pilots to identify other aircraft through visual observation alone. The ATSB often receives reports from pilots that another aircraft is flying too close to them in uncontrolled airspace. Not surprisingly, three quarters of these reports involve pilots flying within 10 nautical miles (18.5 kilometres) of a non-controlled aerodrome. In nearly three quarters of all near-collisions reported to the ATSB, at least one pilot had no prior warning of the other aircraft in their vicinity. Insufficient communication between pilots operating in the same area is the…
Easter message from Greg Hood, Chief Commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau Watch the video message  
As the accountable authority for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), I am pleased to present the ATSB’s 2017–18 Corporate Plan, which covers the period 2017–18 to 2020–21.This Corporate Plan sets out the ATSB’s purpose – to improve transport safety – and its strategies for achieving that purpose. The Plan also sets out the ATSB’s key deliverables and associated performance criteria. It has been prepared consistent with paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and the relevant provisions of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (the…
As the accountable authority for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), I am pleased to present the ATSB’s 2016–17 Corporate Plan, which covers the period 2016–17 to 2019–20. This Corporate Plan sets out the ATSB’s purpose, its strategies for achieving that purpose and how the effect of the strategies and the attainment of the ATSB’s purpose will be measured. It has been prepared consistent with paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. The Plan takes account of the relevant provisions of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (the TSI…
Fatal accident prompts safety recommendations for skydiving operations A multi-fatal accident involving a Cessna U206G aircraft has resulted in the ATSB issuing recommendations to improve the safety of skydiving operations in Australia. The 22 March 2014 accident occurred when the aircraft was conducting tandem parachuting operations at Caboolture in Queensland. On board were the pilot, two parachuting instructors and two tandem parachutists. Shortly after take-off, the aircraft climbed to about 200 feet before aerodynamically stalling and colliding with the ground. Tragically, all five died…
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Penalties Section 26 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (TSI Act) imposes a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment for a person who discloses the contents of a draft report to any other person or to a court. The maximum penalty for unauthorised copying of the whole or any part of a draft report is $3,600. The reason for the penalties for unauthorised copying and disclosure of a draft report is that it may contain information that is subject to change as a result of internal and external review and consideration of further evidence. In its draft form, copying or disclosing the…
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Subsection 49(3) notice for the voice component of the voyage data recording recovered by ATSB after Shen Neng 1’s grounding at Douglas Shoal on 3 April 2010 The ATSB has issued a notice under s.49(3) of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (TSI Act) declaring the voice component of the voyage data recording not to be an on-board recording (OBR) for the purposes of Division 1, Part 6 of the TSI Act. Pursuant to section 49 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003, I declare that the whole of the identified recording (recovered by the ATSB on 9 April 2010) is not to be treated as…
These videos are presented to promote the activities of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and transport safety. Visit the ATSB on YouTube for more.    ATSB Chief Commissioner Greg Hood discusses recent history and the outlook for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.   ATSB investigator Heather Fitzpatrick - Human Factors talks about her role at the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. ATSB investigator Laura Henwood talks about her role as a recorder specialist at the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. ATSB investigator Max Marton talks about his role at the…