These operational reports have been developed to provide regular updates on the progress of the search effort for MH370. Most recent at top
Date of access (date decision released to applicant) FOI reference number Description of documents Documents released Access 30 October 2020 FOI 20-21(2) Copies of any communication, reports, records, handwritten notes, and photographs in relation to an aircraft incident involving a Evektor Sportstar at a Vineyard adjacent to David Street, Renmark, South Australia on 16 November 2019. FOI 20-21(2) documents Partial 20 November 2020 FOI 20-21(9) Any non-restricted information in relation to an accident involving Robinson R44 Raven 1, VH-NBY, 3km north of Broome Airport, Western…
These images may be used under a creative commons licence for the work in the following terms: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Australia licence. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Australia Licence is a standard form license agreement that allows you to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt this publication provided that you attribute the work. You should attribute the image using the text in each image’s caption. Three-dimensional models of the seafloor terrain - 29 August 2014 Underwater search area map - 8 October 2014 Underwater search area map including previous priority search…
Date of access (date decision released to applicant) FOI reference number Description of documents Documents released Access 30 April 2020 FOI 19-20(10) A complete copy of the investigation report and file in relation to an incident aboard flight QF599 on 12 July 2019 flying from Adelaide to Perth. FOI 19-20(10) documents Partial 13 September 2019 FOI 19-20(1) All emails, letters and other communications between the ATSB and external parties – including but not limited to DIPs – pertaining to the release of ATSB investigation AI-2018-010: The approval processes for the Bulla Road…
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Consistent with the Minister’s Statement of Expectations, the ATSB provides input into government inquiries reviewing the ATSB’s jurisdiction across different modes of transport. Below are recent submissions the ATSB has made to relevant government inquiries. Independent Review of Domestic Commercial Vessel Safety Legislation and Costs and Charging Arrangements Organisation conducting the inquiry Independent reviewers, reporting to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Purpose of the inquiry The Australian Government has commissioned an…
The Chief Commissioner of the ATSB has established the Audit and Risk Committee (the Committee) in compliance with section 45 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 (PGPA Rule) section 17 – Audit committee for Commonwealth entities. Role The Committee’s role is to provide independent advice and assurance to the Chief Commissioner (and to the Commission, Executive and Senior Leadership Team) on the ATSB’s financial and performance reporting responsibilities, risk oversight and management, and…
1 October 2024 – 31 December 2024 In the course of official duties, officials of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau received the following gifts and/or benefits where the value exceeds $AUD100.00 (excluding GST). Declarations above this value is consistent with Australian Government guidance provided by the Australian Public Service Commission (Guidance for Agency Heads - Gifts and Benefits | Australian Public Service Commission ( Date received Gift item/benefit /service Recipient
Date of access (date decision released to applicant) FOI reference number Description of documents Documents released Access 28 July 2017 FOI 16-17(27) The document lodged under the REPCON scheme that reported to the ATSB the pre-flight/planning event on 3 March 2014 at Sydney Airport involving an Airbus A320, VH-VNJ. FOI 16-17(27) documents Partial 31 May 2017 FOI 16-17(24) All documents relating to an aviation accident which occurred near the Barwon Highway, Callandoon, Queensland on 28 December 2016. FOI 16-17(24) documents Partial 10 May 2017 FOI 16-17(14) Copy of all…