Prior to commencing a charter flight from Launceston to Flinders Island the pilot made a visual check of the
fuel tanks and assessed that they were full. He was not aware that since the aircraft had been refuelled it
had made a flight of 1 hour 45 minutes duration. On the return flight, approaching Launceston, the pilot
was given landing instructions and when the aircraft was established on a visual descent, the engine failed.
As he was only 1, 000 feet above unsuitable terrain, he turned towards the only suitable field in the area and
attempted to restart the engine. Being unable to do so the pilot gave his attention to the forced landing and
requested a wind velocity from Launceston Tower. Because of his position and altitude he elected to land
downwind in the 15 knot wind, in the field previously selected. The aircraft touched down and rolled for a
considerable distance before the pilot began a ground loop to avoid striking a fence across his path. This
manoeuvre was only partly successful because of the damp grass and the aircraft struck a fence post and
damaged the tail plane and rear fuselage.