If you have witnessed an incident or accident – or have information that could be of relevance to an ATSB investigation – please call 1800 992 986 or (+61) 2 6257 3193. Alternatively, complete an online witness form.
This contact form is intended for use during Major Accident Response scenarios. If you need to contact the ATSB, please visit the contact page.   The ATSB has been advised of .... The ATSB is investigating this accident. Police and emergency services are on site. We understand multiple people are injured. Concerned family and friends need to <operator's> hotline to be kept informed as to the wellbeing of the passengers on board the flight.•    (Within Australia): 1800 XXX XXX•    (International callers) +61 X XXXX XXXX The ATSB has…
This contact form is intended for use during Major Accident Response scenarios. If you need to contact the ATSB, please visit the contact page. .: EXERCISE ONLY - EXERCISE ONLY :. At 11.35am today (15 September 2022) a twin-engine airliner operated by ‘No Fuss Airlines’ made an emergency landing at Long Green Grass Airport, Western Australia. Smoke and flames were seen coming out of the right engine, as well as parts of the aircraft have detached up upon landing (landing gear and part of the right wing). The ATSB understands multiple people have been injured, however no further information…
As the accountable authority for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), I am pleased to present the ATSB’s 2018–19 Corporate Plan, which covers the period 2018–19 to 2021–22. This Corporate Plan sets out the ATSB’s purpose – to improve transport safety – and its strategies for achieving that purpose. The Plan also sets out the ATSB’s key deliverables and associated performance criteria. It has been prepared consistent with paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and the relevant provisions of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (the…
The Aviation Safety Digest was published by the Department of Civil Aviation, Accident investigation and Analysis Branch from 1953 to 1991. Scanned and re-published in the interest of preserving history. Adobe PDF reader is required for viewing.  Aviation Safety Digest - Issue 01 - July 1953  Aviation Safety Digest - Issue 02 - October 1953  Aviation Safety Digest - Issue 03 - January 1954  Aviation Safety Digest - Issue 04 - April 1955  Aviation Safety Digest - Issue 05 - February 1956  Aviation Safety Digest - Issue 06 - June 1956  Aviation Safety…
All occurrence investigations progress through a series of phases in accordance with the ATSB’s investigation methodology to ensure a rigorous and comprehensive investigation report with evidence-based findings that lead to improvements in transport safety.  Evidence collection   During the evidence collection phase, investigators build a detailed picture of the occurrence or other transport safety matter being investigated. Evidence gathered may include:  site observations and mapping, including recording wreckage distribution…
Safety concern The ATSB has investigated several accidents that have occurred when maintenance work was being carried out on or near railway tracks. Conducting work on or near a railway track can be dangerous if safeworking rules and procedures have not been correctly implemented to protect the worksite. Trains cannot stop quickly and any breakdown in the communication or management of a worksite can leave workers extremely vulnerable to dangerous situations.
Safety concern An increasing trend has been identified where pilots do not effectively manage their aircraft’s flightpath when unexpected events arise during the approach to land. When compared to other phases of flight, the approach and landing has a substantially increased workload and is traditionally the phase of flight associated with the highest accident rate. Flight crews must continuously monitor aircraft and approach parameters, and the external environment, to ensure they maintain a stable approach profile and make appropriate decisions for a safe landing. The selection of…
Safety concern There have been numerous accidents worldwide that were the result of simple human errors in data calculation or entry. Data errors—such as the wrong figure being used as well as data being entered incorrectly, not being updated, or being excluded—happen for many different reasons. The consequences of these sort of errors can range from aborted take-offs through to collisions with the ground. Errors can occur irrespective of pilot experience, operator, aircraft type, location and take-off performance calculation method.
Safety concern The ATSB has investigated a number of incidents and accidents where fatigue was identified as having a causal effect. Human fatigue is a physical and psychological condition primarily caused by prolonged wakefulness and/or insufficient or disturbed sleep. Everyone has experienced fatigue at some point, but in the transport industry, where there’s often high pressure to deliver, fatigue can have very real, very dangerous implications. Fatigue can have a range of adverse influences on human performance, such as slowed reaction time, decreased work efficiency, reduced motivational…