Reforms to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) and the passage of the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 introduced fundamental changes to the way information held by government is managed and accessed by members of the public.  The changes took effect from 1 November 2010, with the exception of the information publication scheme requirements, which commenced on 1 May 2011. The clear intention of the FOI Act is to promote disclosure of information held by government. The new objects of the Act include: give the Australian community access to information by…
ATSB supplements November-December REPCON Status - Australia's aviation voluntary confidential reporting scheme Robinson R22 helicopter aerial mustering usage investigation Safety briefs Download ATSB supplement (November-December 07) [PDF: 664KB] September-October New training for Safer Australian Skies Amateur-built (Experimental) Aircraft Survey Safety briefs Download ATSB supplement (September-October 07) [PDF: 5.9MB] July-August Final report on Loss of control 7km WSW of Tamworth Airport Aviation research report on fixed -wing and rotary-wing aircraft accidents involving private…
ATSB supplements May-June Indonesian NTSC releases Adam Air final report Analysis, causality and proof in safety investigations Safety briefs Download ATSB supplement (May-June 08) [PDF: 440KB] March-April Final ATSB investigation report onBoeing 737-476 in-flight engine malfunction What's next for aviation safety research? Safety briefs Download ATSB supplement (March-April 08) [PDF: 376KB] January-February Final ATSB investigation report on Condobolin in-flight breakup 4-fatality accident CFIT: Australia in context 1996 to 2005 Safety briefs Download ATSB supplement (January-February…
Under the ASRS, the holder of a Civil Aviation Authorisation may report a reportable contravention committed by the holder. Reports pertaining to third parties are ineligible and will be returned to reporters. No action will be taken in response to ineligible reports. Reporters submitting eligible reports can claim protection from administrative action by CASA, in accordance with section 30DO of the Civil Aviation Act 1988, once every five years. For an ASRS report your identity will be kept confidential in accordance with Division 3C of the Civil Aviation Amendment Act 2003 and Division 13.K…
What is REPCON? REPCON Marine is a voluntary confidential reporting scheme. REPCON allows any person who has a marine safety concern to confidentially report it to the ATSB. Protection of the reporter's identity and any individual referred to in the report is a primary element of the scheme. Who may make a REPCON report? Any person may report a reportable safety concern.  This would include: a)  Any person involved in the Marine Industry. An example would be an employee or contractor may have reported a matter internally but does not believe it will be properly dealt with.  It…
What is REPCON? REPCON is a voluntary and confidential reporting scheme. REPCON allows any person who has an aviation safety concern to report it to the ATSB confidentially. Protection of the reporter's identity and any individual referred to in the report is a primary element of the scheme. Submit a confidential REPCON report - online form Who can make a REPCON report? Anyone can report a safety concern confidentially to the ATSB. This means members of the travelling public or people involved in aviation. Some examples of who has made a REPCON report in the past include: an employee or…
ATSB supplements November-December Final report on fatal helicopter accident near Camden Aviation Safety Research Download ATSB supplement (Nov-Dec 05) [PDF: 789KB] September-October Preliminary report on Mt Hotham fatal accident Safety briefs Download ATSB supplement (Sep-Oct 05) [PDF: 850KB] July-August TCAS advisory Aerial campaign management Safety briefs Download ATSB supplement (Jul-Aug 05) [PDF: 924KB] March-April Brake fires and evacuation Fatal accident after takeoff from Jandakot Airport Safety briefs Download ATSB supplement (Mar-Apr 05) [PDF: 277KB] January-February…
ATSB supplements November-December Preliminary report on the Strikemaster ex-military jet crash near Bathurst Aircraft evacuation at Hobart airport Safety Briefs Download ATSB supplement (September-October 06) [PDF: 622KB] September-October A comparison of Australian civil fatal aircraft accidents : Far North Queensland in context Lockhart River Accident: Overview of Interim Factual Report Safety Briefs Download ATSB supplement (September-October 06) [PDF: 481KB] July-August An assessment of pilot performance during simulated flight Progress on ATSB Aviation Safety Research A…
Marine transport accounts for all bulk imports and exports and nearly three-quarters of the value of all imports and exports of cargo into Australia, and plays a primary role in coastal trade. In addition, a major offshore industry fleet supports oil and gas exploration off the Australian coast. A safe and efficient marine transport system is therefore an essential part of the Australian economy. The work of the ATSB investigation team assists in maintaining and improving the safety of marine transport. When ATSB investigates a marine accident or incident, investigators seek to determine its…
ATSB supplements November-December Disorientation during night operations Confidential Aviation Incident Reporting System Safety briefs Download ATSB supplement (Nov-Dec 02) [PDF: 1.84MB] September-October Engines failure due fuel exhaustion Safety briefs Microburst effect on aircraft performance Confidential aviation incident reports Download ATSB supplement (Sep-Oct 02) [PDF: 731KB] July-August Gear up!!! Safety briefs Safe Health - Hows your attitude? Confidential aviation incident reports Download ATSB supplement (Jul-Aug 02) [PDF: 1.72MB] May-June What happens when a 737 pilot…