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ATSB supplements July - August Turning safety issues into action Kokoda crash prompts major safety improvements Managing Partial Power-Loss Pre-flight: Check your electrical power supply Pilots urged: 'stay focused around powerlines' Report confirms Qantas A380 engine failure event sequence Fact sheet for General Aviation Pilots Close flying highlighted in ATSB bulletin Bushfire fighting now safer Turbulences catches pilot off-guard Repcon briefs Download ATSB supplement (July-August 2011) [PDF: 918KB] May - June Talking with industry to improve safety Check…
Sections 25A of the TSI Act requires a person, association or agency to provide a written response to a Safety Recommendation contained in a report released under section 25 of the TSI Act. The response is required within 90 days of the report being published. Responses to recommendations are published on the ATSB website. Failure to respond may attract a penalty of up to 30 penalty points ($3,300 for a natural person and $16,500 for an incorporated organisation), and advice of any such failure to respond will be published on the ATSB website. Policy Responses to Safety Recommendations are to…
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau is committed to improving the accessibility of web content. To provide feedback or request an accessible version of a document please contact us or phone 1800 020 616. The W3C logo represents a claim to WCAG Level Double-A conformance.  ATSB.gov.au is currently compliant to Level AA of the Web content accessibility guidelines version 2.0 - external site (WCAG 2.0) standard. It is being upgraded to Double AAA compliance over time. In some cases, content will be accessible to Level Triple A. WCAG 2.0 is a technical…
Failure of a Responsible Person to Report under Sections 18 and 19 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Where it is apparent that a Responsible Person has failed to provide a report in accordance with the requirements in sections 18 or 19 of the TSI Act, the circumstances of the apparent failure will be assessed to determine the appropriate action to be taken. Appropriate action will be based on two options: (a)  educate the responsible person, or class of responsible persons, to ensure compliance in the future; or (b)  refer the apparent breach to the Australian Federal…
ATSB Safety Issue Investigation: Queensland Coastal Pilotage About the ATSB The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is an independent Australian Government statutory agency. The Bureau is governed by a commission and is entirely separate from transport regulators and service providers. The ATSBs objective is safe transport and its function is to improve safety and public confidence in transport safety through excellence in safety investigations and research and promulgating the lessons learned, safety actions and safety messages. It is not the purpose of ATSB investigations to apportion…
Australia's REPCON Marine Confidential Reporting Scheme offers seafarers the opportunity to report unsafe conditions, practices or procedures aboard ships without fear of being identified. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau collects information for the purposes of enhancing marine safety. The information may be disclosed to other bodies or individuals for this purpose. If the information is the subject of an investigation it will only be used in accordance with the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003. This report should contain as much of the following information as within the…
Mr Angus Mitchell CHIEF COMMISSIONER AND CEO Angus Mitchell has extensive experience in organisational leadership and management, maritime operations and safety investigation. He joined the ATSB from Maritime Safety Queensland, where as General Manager he oversaw the safe and efficient movement of vessels into and out of Queensland’s 21 ports, and was responsible for compliance activities and safety investigations for Australia’s largest recreational maritime fleet. During his tenure, Maritime Safety Queensland was recognised with an Australian Industry…
Subsection 25(1) of Part 4 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003. 25  Reports on investigations (1)     The ATSB must, as soon as practicable after an investigation has been completed, publish, by electronic or other means, a report in relation to the investigation. (2)     The ATSB may, at any time before an investigation has been completed, publish, by electronic or other means, a report in relation to the investigation if it considers that the publication of the report is necessary or desirable for the purposes of transport safety…
Requests for Tender All open Requests for Tender (RFTs) are available via the AusTender website. AusTender is the online tendering system for Australian Government Agencies. AusTender allows tenderers to download tender documentation. Tenderers must first register with AusTender. Further guidance: The Department of Finance provides information to help business identify opportunities and compete for government business which can be found at: Selling to Government.   Annual Procurement Plan In accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, the ATSB has published an Annual…