The Australian Transport Safety Bureau is seeking comments from stakeholders on the proposed Transport Safety Investigation Regulations 2021 (TSI Regulations 2021) which will replace the existing Transport Safety Investigation Regulations 2003.

These regulations will clarify requirements for the reporting of transport safety occurrences for certain categories of remotely piloted aircraft, including immediate reports where there is a serious risk of harm to people or significant damage to property. 

The proposed regulations include a number of changes to marine terminology and definitions to align with the requirements of the Navigation Act 2012.  This includes the adoption of the types of marine incidents that must be reported to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority as immediately reportable matters for the purposes of the TSI Regulations.

Following this consultation period, the ATSB will provide advice to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development. Consideration will be given to any need to revise the draft of the regulations before finalising them.

Please provide your submissions by 30 April 2021 to the ATSB via email:

Or mail to: Manager Legal and Governance, Australian Transport Safety Bureau, PO BOX 967, Civic Square ACT 2601.

View the exposure draft of the TSI Regulations and the draft explanatory memorandum.