Date reported
Date published
REPCON number Title Date published Sort ascending
AR201900052 Air Traffic Control Line Managers replaced with Operations Line Managers
AR201800058 Structure of controlled and non-controlled airspace associated with Broome International airport
AR201900036 Confusion around clearance requirements for entering run up bays
AR201900029 Obstruction within runway zone
AR201900030 Procedures not conducive to encouraging cabin crew fatigue reporting
AR201900026 Safety culture
AR201900012 Increased carry-on baggage allowance
AR201900007 Potential fatigue levels of air traffic controllers at Sydney Tower
AR201800104 Electronic device chargers in the flight deck
AR201800103 Maintenance scheduling of [aircraft type] fleet
AR201800099 Planned development of a pedestrian path inside the perimeter fence at airport
AR201800081 Hazards at uncertified aerodromes.
AR201700058 Controller fatigue in Melbourne Centre during single-person night shifts
AR201800066 Fence across decommissioned runway not visible to aircraft
AR201800065 En Route Supplement Australia (ERSA) reference that [Location] airport must not be nominated as an alternate without the consent of airport operator
AR201800057 Flight crew fatigue
AR201800060 Cabin crew fatigue
AR201800051 Intoxicated passengers regularly observed on [operator] flights into Cairns, Qld.
AR201800046 Poor radio transmissions of RAAF PC-9’s at Learmonth, WA
AR201800045 Cabin crew fatigue