Date reported
Date published
REPCON number Title Date published Sort ascending
AR201700032 Stress being placed on cabin crew during normal duties
AR201800029 Air Traffic Controllers with restricted hours endorsement working outside of restricted hours
AR201800024 Cabin crew fatigue
AR201800019 Excessive carry-on baggage on board Boeing 737 aircraft
AR201700128 Method used to charge for aerodrome use
AR201700121 Unsafe procedures by ground staff due to punitive contracts
AR201700117 Reported concerns regarding management of fatigue risk at Airservices Australia
AR201700120 Inconsistent Approach closure
AR201800038 Late delivery of Australia airspace revisions
AR201700116 Issues with the Sydney Tower advanced-surface movement guidance and control system (A-SMGCS)
AR201700094 Ballina / Casino / Lismore broadcast zone
AR201700087 Worn seatbelts on foreign airline’s passenger service
AR201700085 Allowable wear on aircraft tyres
AR201700078 Provision of transport to cabin crew to the airport for long overnight duties
AR201700062 Accountability by airline crewing department for fatigue issues
AR201700057 Security at [Location] as an aircraft arrived
AR201700050 Pilot activated lighting system at [Location]
AR201700044 Concern regarding fatigue for maintenance staff
AR201700045 IFR approaches to [Location] at night in VMC
AR201700039 Difficulties for cabin crew in preparing for annual emergency procedure assessments