AR201300081 |
ATC move to new Tower at Melbourne Airport |
AR201300078 |
Allocation of emergency seating on international flights |
AR201300071 |
Similar callsigns in use from airports in close locations and operating in similar time frames |
AR201300066 |
Cabin crew safety briefs |
AR201300064 |
Lack of annual leave availability |
AR201300057 |
Use of multiple radar vectors by ATC to achieve the required spacing |
AR201300053 |
Continuation of cabin crew service when the seat belt sign is on |
AR201300050 |
RNAV approach for runway 21 at Perth |
AR201300048 |
Selection of duty runway at Perth |
AR201300045 |
Cabin crew fatigue |
AR201300044 |
Controllers being returned to work after an incident before the investigation is completed |
AR201300040 |
Runway selection by ATC at Perth Airport |
AR201300038 |
Cabin crew speaking Japanese in the galley |
AR201300035 |
IFR approach not being contained within controlled airspace at Coffs Harbour |
AR201300036 |
Excessive flight crew workload during an approach to Sydney |
AR201300028 |
Non-synchronised flight management systems |
AR201300026 |
Captains monitoring the flight from the right seat |
AR201300024 |
Use of iPad's for completing loading sheets |
AR201300023 |
Falsification of maintenance records |
R201300011 |
Light sport aircraft engine design flaw |