REPCON number
Date reported
Published date
Affected operation/industry
Concern subject type
Concern summary

The concern related to the standard of rest facilities available to the operator’s flight crews at Adelaide Airport when they were rostered for a split duty period.

Reporter's deidentified concern

The reporter expressed a safety concern regarding the crew rest facility which is available at Adelaide Airport for use by the operator’s airline crews. 

The reporter advised that the operator applies the standard industry exemption to CAO 48 for flight crew rostering which requires that a crew rest facility should be made available, as crews are rostered for split duties in excess of 11 hours, with less than a 4.5 hour break. While resting at Adelaide airport, crews have been provided with a three seat couch which is situated in a busy thoroughfare. This area is used as the cabin crew sign on area and is also a passage way for the entrance to the pilot and operations rooms, the kitchen and boardroom.

The reporter suggested that a separate quiet rest room should be provided which can accommodate at least four people (as this is the normal crew allocation per aircraft) with comfortable seating and independent lighting control. This area would then satisfy the CAO 48 exemption requirements. The reporter believes this measure has been followed in other bases where split duties occur.

Named party's response

This report has been reviewed by our relevant Management group. Having considered the applicable requirements of the CAO 48 Exemption, we maintain that the facilities provided for crew rest in Adelaide are adequate to satisfy these requirements.

Regulator's response

CASA has reviewed the concerns raised in the REPCON and is examining the matter further in light of Civil Aviation Order 48 exemption requirements and the facilities currently provided. CASA will take appropriate action should any issues be identified.