Date reported
Date published
REPCON number Title Date published Sort ascending
AR201400053 The safety of a foreign International Airline due to significant management changes in a relatively short time frame
AR201400030 Changes to operator’s maintenance checks
AR201400052 Conflicting information on which frequency is to be used at non-controlled aerodromes
AR201400043 Cabin crew members being removed from pre-flight briefings to complete paperwork
AR201400031 Contradictory information contained in AIP concerning the frequency to be used at non-controlled airports
AR201400039 The dangers related to how busy Ballarat Aerodrome has become around the end of daylight hours
AR201400029 Communication on the ground at Broome Airport outside tower operating hours
AR201400023 The procedure used by Airservices Australia to alert flight crews to a Hazard Alert which has been issued after the flight has departed.
AR201400015 The stress caused by the handling by management of major changes within the airline
AR201400014 The safety of the aircraft from Papua New Guinea entering Australian Airspace as ICAO have issued a Significant Safety Concern in relation to the oversight of the aviation industry by the CAA PNG
AR201400013 Runway extension - The experience of Construction Company conducting a runway extension works
AR201400012 Report of un-airworthy aircraft being used for charter operations
AR201400011 The removal of the hard copy Jeppesen plates from the cockpit before the electronic charts were fully operational
AR201300100 Fatigue experienced due to return flights
AR201300097 VHF communications on the ground at Broome airport
AR201300095 Lack of notice of procedural change at Airservices Australia
AR201300094 Cabin Crew Fatigue Issue
AR201300093 New Approach to Brisbane KEVIE 1A STAR
AR201300090 Possible loss of separation due to a breakdown of coordination
AR201300089 Move by ATC to new tower at Melbourne