ATSB rail investigations The ATSB conducts independent ‘no blame’ rail safety investigations in accordance with the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (TSI Act) and does not investigate for the purpose of taking administrative, regulatory or criminal action. When the ATSB investigates an accident or incident, investigators will seek to determine its circumstances, identify any safety issues and learnings to influence change and improve safety.  The aim of all ATSB investigations is to prevent the occurrence of other accidents and incidents,…
Regional operator Skippers Aviation has taken safety action after a Fairchild Metro 23 twin⁠-⁠turboprop airliner descended below the lowest safe altitude while its crew responded to smoke in…
Gold Coast Airport, Qld, Mildura Airport, Vic., SR22, 4651, Piston, VH-DCB, Part 91 General operating and flight rules, Minor, Cirrus Design Corporation
Two separate breakaways of container ships berthed at the Port of Brisbane after heavy rains highlight the importance of robust emergency and risk management arrangements, according to an…
The ATSB’s investigation of a Super Puma helicopter accident is seeking to determine the factors that contributed to the fracturing of the pitch change control sleeve, which manipulates the…
The cause of this accident has not been determined but the most likely explanation is that the pilot inadvertently allowed the aircraft to stall in a turn at low level over rising terrain.
Although following standard pre-flight checks and crosschecks, the crew of a Dash 8 did not identify that the wrong flap setting was selected for a performance-limited take-off from Horn…
Bankstown Airport, NSW, Orange Airport, NSW, PA-28-181, 2843564, Piston, VH-BTN, Part 91 General operating and flight rules, Nil, Piper Aircraft Corp, Vectra Holdings Pty Ltd