Date reported
Date published
REPCON number Title Date published Sort ascending
AR201700037 Number of operator aircraft operating in the circuit at one time
AR201700028 Raised runway lights on a runway being used by gliders
AR201700024 The number of controllers being trained in adjacent sectors causing significant disruption to aircraft on approach to Brisbane and the Gold Coast
AR201700023 The ability for the Gliding Federation of Australia to submit NOTAMs to Airservices Australia
AR201700019 Method used by operator to advise employees of amendments to flying procedures
AR201700015 The recent management and oversight practices of the operator
AR201700016 Helicopter using non-approved parts during maintenance
AR201700010 Fatigue experienced by cabin crew when a flight was diverted due to bad weather
AR201700012 Maintenance courses being provided by people without the required specialised knowledge to teach
AR201700007 Cabin crew rostering resulting in fatigue
AR201700005 Safety culture at the 2017 World Gliding Competition at Benalla, Victoria
AR201700001 Support for ground staff after a ground handling accident
AR201600113 Weather information received by flight crew before and during flights from the operator’s meteorology section
AR201600107 Passenger briefing on the use of life jackets
AR201600098 Aircraft being allowed to fly with known technical issues
AR201600096 Pre-flight preparation
AR201600095 Flight crew fatigue after multiple days flying multiple sectors
AR201600093 Flight crew fatigue due to the delay in the introduction a fatigue risk management system for Australian operators
AR201600091 Overweight baggage resulting in overhead lockers opening during landing
AR201600082 Fatigue due to the rostering system