Date reported
Date published
REPCON number Title Date published Sort ascending
AR201600078 The missed approach procedure at Bunbury Airport
AR201600073 Operator not ensuring able bodied passengers are placed in the over-wing exit during the flight
AR201600064 Controller fatigue in Melbourne control centre during over-night single person shifts
AR201600058 Cabin crew fatigue due to extended duty
AR201600052 Fatigue at the Southern Control centre during one-person night shift
AR201600048 Concern related to the oversight of the operator’s cadet scheme
AR201600042 Fatigue due to flight and duty time limitations being exceeded
AR201600041 Fatigue management within the airlines ground operations centre
AR201600038 Pilot leaving the cockpit without ensuring there was a second person in the cockpit
AR201600037 Unsecured passenger
AR201600036 Trees which have been planted on the approach path of an airfield
AR201600034 Overloading of the aircraft during passenger charters
AR201600020 The useability of the national aeronautical Information Processing System (NAIPS) flight planning module
AR201600021 System of maintenance being updated in a timely manner
AR201600018 Training received by at staff at the operators control centre
AR201600009 A remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) operating over populated areas
AR201600011 The iPad entertainment packs causing an unsafe protrusion on the seat back in the economy area of the cabin
AR201600001 Remotely Piloted Aircraft operating over residential areas
AR201600004 Fatigue in the ground operations controller position
AR201500114 Call sign confusion between two aircraft operated by the same operator