Increase in incidents at [Location] yard Mode Rail Date reported 09/06/2023 REPCON number RR2023-00016
Change of metropolitan passenger service route [A] and route [B] [procedure] Mode Rail Date reported 30/10/2023 REPCON number RR2023-00034
Excessively bright locomotive visibility lights causing discomfort and distraction for oncoming rail traffic and road users Mode Rail Date reported 21/12/2023 REPCON number RR2023-00039
Proposal to split the Sydney Traffic Control Unit Mode Aviation Date reported 22/08/2023 REPCON number RA2023-00137
Melbourne Centre air traffic controller staff shortage – proposed Light Traffic Endorsement Mode Aviation Date reported 27/07/2023 REPCON number RA2023-00121
Reduced journey times as well as unpredictable and malfunctioning light rail traffic signals Mode Rail Date reported 23/11/2023 REPCON number RR2023-00036
Lack of qualified Train Controller coverage Mode Rail Date reported 05/10/2023 REPCON number RR2023-00031
Proposed Air Traffic Controller En Route Conditional Endorsement Mode Aviation Date reported 05/09/2023 REPCON number RA2023-00140