Training and competencies
The concern related to inadequate training provided to signallers.
The concern related to inadequate training provided to signallers.
The concern related to the operator’s management of the incremental train control system.
The concern related to the poor standard of track in the network leading to a number of major derailments on the mainline, and drivers being instructed to follow a computer based driving system even when they did not think the system was driving the train in the safest manner.
The concern related to the delay in responding to a fault in the system which prevents the unintended use of a section of track in the computerised train control system.
The concern related to the number of drivers with sufficient qualifications to effectively design a roster which does not induce fatigue in the driver population.
The concern related to the reduced driver training provided after track separation works had been completed.
The concern related to the repair of a track evaluation vehicle used by the operator to conduct track inspections and the use of the replacement equipment that cannot adequately inspect the track.
The concern related to drivers not using the correct phraseology when using radios on the metropolitan network.
The concern related to the operator not performing preventative maintenance which means that defects are being postponed and hence defective wagons are being used in operations.
The concern related to two specific maintenance practices being carried out on rail wagons, locomotives and relay vans by the operator’s contracted maintenance company.