Standards and guidance for placement of crossing equipment on curved road approaches
Issue number
Issue Status
Open – Safety action pending
Transport Function
Rail: Infrastructure
Issue Owner
Standards Australia
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

The methods used in the Australian Standard AS 1742.7:2016 to calculate safe stopping distances, and determine the need and location of advanced warning signs for road approaches to level crossings, did not account for the likelihood of detecting the level crossing ahead based on the normal visual focal points of road drivers negotiating a curved road. While the standards included guidance for the use of active warning signs for curved road approaches to flashing light controlled crossings, this was not mandatory. There were 6 collisions in which driver of a heavy vehicle did not detect that level crossing flashing light signals were activated until it was too late to stop. In 5 of these collisions, the drivers approached the crossing along a right curved approach road and none of these crossings had active advance flashing light signals.

Response by Australian Standards

Standards Australia provided additional analysis in September 2023, which stated:

AS 1742.7 provides sufficient information for practitioners to assess and implement appropriate traffic control devices for traffic approaching a railway level crossing, including a crossing on a curve. It is noted that Australian Standards provides principles and minimum requirements. In practice, when assessing and installing traffic control devices at a railway level crossing, experienced practitioners are expected to consider not only the relevant Australian Standards, but also other factors and State/Territory jurisdictional guidelines to ensure the risk of a crash is reduced so far as is reasonably practicable. Engineering judgements are often required leading to a solution which may be above what Australian Standards require/specify.
Issue Status Justification

Australian Standards has indicated it will conduct a review of AS1742.7. The ATSB will review the status of this safety issue after considering any changes to AS1742.7 resulting from the Australian Standards review.

Proactive action
Action number
Standards Australia
Action Status
Action description

Following receipt of the ATSB draft report, Australian Standards committee MS-012 advised they considered the general principles and information in Australian Standard AS1742.7 Railway Crossings were adequate. However, given the findings of the ATSB report, MS-012 will initiate a review of the Standard and consider whether further information or clarifications could be provided to practitioners to further emphasise risks and how to treat them.

The committee stated they would meet in April 2024 to initiate the review, and once approved the review was expected to take 24 months for a revised standard to be published.

Organisation Response

Date Received
Australian Standards
Response Text

The Australian Standards MS-012 committee has agreed to review AS1742.7 Railway Crossings with an aim to further improve safety at railway crossings. The committee has developed a project plan to review the ATSB report RS-2021-001 and identify any changes required to the standard. The project plan identifies that publishing an updated version of AS 1742.7 may occur in mid to late 2026.

ATSB Response

The ATSB notes the proposal from the Australian Standards MS-012 committee to review AS 1742.7 Railway Crossings. The ATSB will monitor and assess any changes made to the standard as a result of this review.

ATSB Response date
ATSB Response

The ATSB will monitor the outcomes of the MS-012 review of AS1742.7 to assess whether changes to standard significantly address the issue identified in the safety study.