The eTAP roll out did not include an effective training regime, as the briefing was not targeted to the appropriate level of competence of the trainees. The Protection Officer involved was not trained or competent in the rules and procedures for Track Occupancy Authority (TOA) at the time of the eTAP briefing. There was no competence assessment for the use of the application for the Protection Officer involved.
ARTC have developed a new eTAP training structure that consists of three separate training modules that are specifically relevant to a PO competency level. ARTC dispute the finding that no competency assessment was undertaken but could provide no evidence of one having been done for the PO concerned.
[ATSB comment]
ATSB believe the action taken to address the structure of the eTAP training to be targeted at the correct competency level will address that aspect of the safety issue.
The ATSB is satisfied that the actions already undertaken by ARTC, and currently being undertaken, will reduce the risk of this safety issue.