Signaller refresher training
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Network Operations
Issue Owner
Sydney Trains
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Sydney Trains Signaller refresher training, to keep signallers’ skills and knowledge up to date, has not been in place since 2009.

Issue Status Justification

The ATSB is satisfied that the safety action undertaken by the operator has resolved this safety issue

Proactive action
Action number
Sydney Trains
Action Status
Action description

Sydney Trains accepts this safety issue and advises that while Covid related restrictions on face to face training have delayed the reintroduction of Safety Refresher Training (SRT) yearly cycled SRT commenced in March 2022 and at this time 52% of signallers have completed this round of SRT training. Additionally, (as noted in responses to the other safety issues identified in this report) an eLearn course has been developed for users of NTR 432 and all signallers have completed this course. Use of NTR432 will be added to Signaller Competency assurance scenarios and the next annual round of SRT commencing during 2023.