Assurance activities related to network pre-start safety briefings
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Network Operations
Issue Owner
Queensland Rail
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Network pre-start briefings are a critical control in place to manage the risk of collisions between rail traffic and workers and machinery, and Queensland Rail had undertaken significant work to improve these processes. However, the design of the first-line assurance activities and the limited conduct of second-line and third-line assurance activities provided only limited assurance that the worksite protection aspects of the briefings were being conducted effectively.

Issue Status Justification

The ATSB is satisfied that the enforceable voluntary undertaking initiatives relevant to the 3 levels of defence assurance model, and the additional proactive safety actions taken by Queensland Rail, have reduced the risk of this safety issue.

Proactive action
Action number
Queensland Rail
Action Status
Action description

On 14 November 2023, Queensland Rail (QR) advised the ATSB that it had identified similar findings in its investigation report. It also advised that, as part of an enforceable voluntary undertaking (EVU) to ONRSR, it had introduced and completed the following initiative:

4a) Level 1 Protection Officer assurance
• This initiative has resulted in an approved tool for conducting first-line assurance regarding compliance with safety procedures and processes for working in the rail corridor.

In addition to the EVU initiative (and other assurance as noted for safety issue RO-2020-003-SI-01), QR has also advised of the following actions related to this safety issue:

Developed targeted first and second-line assurance programs to measure the effectiveness of the pre-start briefing process. The outcomes of this assurance program have demonstrated substantively effective control effectiveness. This continues to be monitored across a variety of initiatives including:
• 1st and 2nd line assurance regimes for compliance with safely procedures and processes for working in the corridor throughout the SEQ network.
• Specific 1st and 2nd line assurance relevant to the EVU initiatives and 3rd line, independent verification auditing to assure the implementation of the EVU initiatives.