Risk management to deviate from network rules
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Partially addressed
Transport Function
Rail: Other
Issue Owner
Australian Rail Track Corporation
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

For the establishment of train working arrangements that deviated from ARTC network rules, ARTC risk management and oversight processes resulted in a risk management plan that was limited in context, scope and risk identification and risk controls that had significant weaknesses.

Issue Status Justification

ARTC introduction of updated management processes should reduce the risk associated with this safety issue. The status is assessed as partially addressed due to there being insufficient evidence to confirm the effectiveness of implementation and oversight of the updated risk management systems.

Proactive action
Action number
Australian Rail Track Corporation
Action Status
Action description

TC advised that it has introduced an updated management process for deviations from ARTC Network Rules (for planned or unplanned works). ARTC advised that this process requires a risk assessment involving stakeholders and the development of appropriate controls for implementation by each stakeholder. The risk assessment and plan are then subject to ARTC Executive approval.

ATSB Response

ATSB acknowledges the described ARTC proactive safety action that includes updated management processes for risk assessment and the development of appropriate controls. The effectiveness of updated processes on the development of risk management plans will be governed by their implementation and oversight.