Arc Infrastructure network control procedures for an immediate response to a SPAD
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Network Operations
Issue Owner
Arc Infrastructure
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

The Arc Infrastructure processes for the management of rail traffic overrunning its limits of authority were reliant on the immediate actions of the rail traffic crew and did not explicitly require immediate actions from the network control officer (NCO). This situation increased the risk of driver completely missed signal passed at danger (SPAD) events, particularly in cases where the rail traffic crew’s awareness or capacity was potentially compromised.

Issue Status Justification

The ATSB welcomes the safety action undertaken by Arc Infrastructure to address aspects related to this safety issue. Although these safety actions have not explicitly required immediate actions by a network control officer (NCO), the ATSB is satisfied that the action being taken by Arc Infrastructure has reduced the risk of this safety issue.

Proactive action
Action number
Arc Infrastructure
Action Status
Action description

Arc Infrastructure advised of the following safety action:

  • In February 2020 Arc Infrastructure amended existing Rule 6001 (Overrun of Limit of Authority) to require that NCOs are to make an emergency radio call where other rail traffic or track workers may be in conflict with the rail traffic that has exceeded its limit of authority. The NCO is required to make an emergency call, ensuring that other rail traffic or track workers in conflict or at risk are alerted as soon as possible.    
  • The change to Rule 6001 was communicated to existing safeworker’s (e.g. NCOs, RRV operators, rail traffic crew, etc.) via safety directive, and forms part of Arc Infrastructure's Network Rules training for all safeworking personnel.
  • On 21 August 2020 Arc Infrastructure also introduced training course TLIF0008 "Apply Safety Critical Communications in a Rail Environment" mandating that where rail traffic has exceeded its limit of authority and following declaration of an emergency situation, the NCO must make an emergency radio call to all rail traffic on the rail corridor.  
  • In May 2022, Arc Infrastructure completed the construction of a dedicated training facility in Canning Vale, Western Australia. The facility allows for NCOs to undertake rail safety simulation/scenario based training, including emergency incident and response training and assessment. 
  • In September 2022, Arc Infrastructure working with the owner of its train control system, installed a SPAD specific audible alarm within the train control system. The installation of a SPAD specific audible alarm will assist in alerting the NCO of a SPAD event.