Managing track access
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Network Operations
Issue Owner
PerisherBlue Pty Ltd
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

The Skitube system for managing access to track did not detect the conflict of the rail maintenance worker under the train at the same time the train was being shunted.

Issue Status Justification

Re-iteration of the procedure and form requirements has merit in keeping current employees aware of the procedures’ purpose. Re-iteration of these requirements would be required at regular intervals to maintain awareness of the risks controlled by the procedures. A refresher of the safe working rules and procedures prior to each operating season would achieve this.

Proactive action
Action number
PerisherBlue Pty Ltd
Action date
Action Status
Action description

Internal consultation was carried out and the Temporary Track Access Procedure (Procedure) was reviewed, updated and documented.

Internal consultation was carried out and the Temporary Track Access Form (Form) that would be referred to by the Duty Controller in all cases where temporary track access was requested, was reviewed and updated to include the situation where access is required in close proximity to a stationary train.

Information regarding the Procedure and the Form was provided to staff (Duty Controllers, Train Drivers, Maintenance staff and Concourse staff) prior to the 2020 operating season in the form of an information packet.

A document titled Skitube Safe Working (Network) Rules and Processes was produced and supplied to Skitube staff. This document is a compilation of all major safety rules and processes and a reference tool for staff. As part of the communication and training process, staff were required to complete a short quiz on the material to demonstrate an understanding of the requirements.