Access to QR procedures and existence of Aurizon documents
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Rail: Freight
Issue Owner
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Aurizon did not provide drivers with ready access to Queensland Rail’s procedures for driver only operations and overhead line equipment emergencies when they were operating on the Queensland Rail network. In addition, Aurizon did not have procedures for driver only operations that applied to its own network.

Issue Status Justification

The ATSB is satisfied that the safety action taken by Aurizon will reduce the risk of this safety issue.

Issue finalisation date: 8 June 2021

Proactive action
Action number
Action date
Action Status
Action description

In December 2018, with updates provided in January 2020 and August 2020, Aurizon advised it was undertaking an upgrade of its safety management system (SMS) to enable the mobility of access to relevant documents for operational personnel, including to third party rail infrastructure manager documents. The estimated completion date for this project is January 2021.

Within the rail emergency plan, there is a specific Train crew duty card (16-FRM-012-COM). Following the 18 August 2018 dewirement, all intermodal train crew were sent a memo with a refresh regarding the availability and use of the duty card. This memo included the instruction:

These Duty Cards are being rolled out as a physical hard copy on all 2800 locomotives, also made available at sign on locations and will be affixed to train lists. In the event you are involved in an emergency situation, please refer to the Train Crew Duty Card as a checklist that can referred to…

In addition, in January 2020 with an update provided in August 2020, Aurizon advised it was in the process of drafting procedures for driver only operations (DOO) on its network, particularly focussing on procedures for exiting the locomotive cabin. The draft procedure is expected to be implemented in November 2020. Reference to the DOO procedure within 16-FRM-012-COM and Aurizon’s on-the-spot risk assessment tool (Stop! Take time and switch on) is also being considered within this process.

ATSB Response

The ATSB acknowledges Aurizon’s intent to implement a DOO procedure on its network, in addition to a review of supporting documents. In addition, the ATSB acknowledges Aurizon’s current project to enable mobility of access to Aurizon’s SMS for operational personnel. The ATSB will seek updates on the progress of both these projects on a regular basis.