Aurizon did not have an effective system in place for ensuring personnel required to check the securing of unusual loads (such as empty flat racks) prior to departure had sufficient knowledge of their responsibilities, and had ready access to relevant procedures, guidance and checklists.
The ATSB is satisfied that the safety action taken by Aurizon will reduce the risk of this safety issue in the areas under its influence.
Issue finalisation date: 8 June 2021
In December 2018, with updates provided in January 2020 and August 2020, Aurizon advised it had taken the following safety action:
In addition, Aurizon advised it was undertaking an upgrade of its safety management system (SMS) to enable the mobility of access to relevant documents for operational personnel, including personnel responsible for loading and securing loads on trains. The estimated completion date for this project is January 2021.
The ATSB acknowledges the proactive safety action of Aurizon in developing further guidance materials and training for staff in relation to loading and securing requirements of flat racks. In relation to mobility of access to Aurizon’s SMS for operational personnel, the ATSB will seek updates on the progress of this project to address this issue on a regular basis.