Rubber load mats not required in the Freight Loading Manual
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Rail: Freight
Issue Owner
Pacific National Pty Ltd
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Pacific National's Freight Loading Manual, specific to the loading and unitising of jumbo coils, did not require the use of rubber load mat on cradles. Consequently, there was no requirement to consider the condition of load mat during inspection and maintenance. This allowed the continued use of cradles without load mat, which decreased their effectiveness at restraining loads.

Issue Status Justification

The routine inspection of rubber load mats fitted to cradles carrying jumbo coils will allow Pacific National to maintain the condition of the mats sufficient to reduce the risk of the load restraint capabilities being compromised.

Proactive action
Action number
Pacific National Pty Ltd
Action date
Action Status
Action description

On 10 November 2020, Pacific National advised that, in response to this occurrence, they:

have been completing jumbo coil cradle inspections for some time and have a robust program in place (via our Maximo system) to inspect and replace missing or defective rubber matting as part of the routine steel wagon fleet programmed maintenance schedule.

In addition, they have drafted a revision to their Wagon Maintenance Manual (WMM) to include a part specific to inspection of jumbo coil cradles. The WMM part is specific to demountable type cradles and includes a requirement to 'consider the condition of load mat during inspection and maintenance' and repair or replace as required. Pacific National indicated ‘it is anticipated that the WMM document will be finalised and approved for formal inclusion into the Pacific National safety management system by 31 December 2020’.