QR’s track monitoring and inspection processes
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Rail: Infrastructure
Issue Owner
Queensland Rail
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Queensland Rail’s track monitoring and inspection processes were not effective in identifying significant deterioration in the condition of level crossing ID 2309 and its approach roads to ensure the safe operating limits of the level crossing throughout its lifecycle.

Issue Status Justification

The ATSB is satisfied that the action taken and proposed to be taken by Queensland Rail will reduce the risk associated with this safety issue.

Proactive action
Action number
Queensland Rail
Action date
Action Status
Action description

In April 2019, Queensland Rail advised that it had taken the following safety action:

1. MD-10-575 CETS [Civil Engineering Track Standard] was reviewed recently (2018) and the requirement for a Level Crossing was explicitly included in Appendix 1A schedule of inspections.

2. MD-10-575 CETS, Module 5 is currently subject to an interim review and changes are being made to provide more detail on the priority for defects at level crossings including roadways and flangeways.

3. MD-10-115 Level Crossing Safety Standard is currently under routine review. Key findings from the report will be incorporated in the review, ie:

-  Defects identified shall be entered in the Asset Manager’s defect management system (EAMS).

-  Acknowledgment of AS7658 requirement for the road surface requirements, which differ slightly from AS1742.7 (Most likely to be captured in standard drawing review).

-  Clarifying the in-field identification and requirements for occupational crossings and public level crossings.

-  Identifying that Interface Agreements are a control and the absence of an Interface agreement may require additional controls from QR.

-  Clarifying the intent and expectation for the various inspections across a level crossing.

4. MD-16-645 Level Crossing Check Sheet has been reformatted to assist with the clarifying the requirements for an inspection of level crossing infrastructure to support changes in MD-10-575 CETS. This will be issued concurrently with MD-10-115.

5. Review of standard drawings associated with Level Crossings to improve clarity for expectations of design of Level Crossings. This will be issued following release of MD-10-115.