Fatigue management
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Rail: Passenger - metropolitan
Issue Owner
Sydney Trains
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Sydney Trains' fatigue management processes were ineffective in identifying the fatigue impairment experienced by the driver. 

Issue Status Justification

The safety action has not yet been completed by Sydney Trains.

Action number
Sydney Trains
Action date
Action Status
Action description

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that Sydney Trains take safety action to ensure that adequate strategies exist to safeguard against fatigue impairment of train crew called in on the stand-by roster.

Proactive action
Action number
Sydney Trains
Action date
Action Status
Action description

Sydney Trains is reviewing the procedures followed by train crew rostering officers with a view to ensuring that crew called in on late notice have an additional assessment conducted to assess their possible fatigue level. The review will include measures that may be taken if the possibility of elevated fatigue levels is revealed by the additional assessment.

ATSB Response

The ATSB acknowledges that Sydney Trains has commenced a review of train crew rostering procedures. Since the safety action has not yet been completed by Sydney Trains, the ATSB makes the following recommendation so that actions to address the safety issue are effectively monitored and reported.