Passenger Train Marker Light Standards
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Rail: Other
Issue Owner
Metro Trains Melbourne
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

The marker lights on some MTM passenger trains do not meet the requirements of the standard for Railway Rolling Stock Lighting and Rolling Stock Visibility, AS/RISSB 7531.3:2007.

Issue Status Justification

The ATSB accepts MTM's proposed safety actions on this recommendation.

Proactive action
Metro Trains Melbourne
Action date
Action Status
Closed - Action Taken
Action description

MTM advised the ATSB that ‘after consideration and testing of other options including flashing marker lights, MTM is developing a modification for inclusion in the Comeng Life Extension Program to increase the intensity of the marker lights to a level compliant with the standard for Railway Rolling Stock Lighting and Rolling Stock Visibility, AS/RISSB 7531.3:2007, including provision of a system to enable the automatic operation of the emergency battery back up in the event of loss of overhead power’.

ATSB Response

The ATSB accepts that the modification as proposed by MTM is a satisfactory risk mitigation measure. However, this measure is only applicable to the Comeng fleet. The Siemens trains in the fleet also do not meet the requirements of the AS/RISSB standard. Accordingly, the ATSB issues the following Safety Recommendation.

Safety recommendation
Action number
Rail Operators on Melbourne Metropolitan Rail Network
Action date
Action Status
Closed - Action Taken
Action description

That Metro Trains Melbourne institute measures to ensure that the luminous intensity of marker lights of all passenger trains in their fleet meet a railway industry approved and accepted standard.

Organisation Response

Date Received
Metro Trains Melbourne
Response Status
Response Text

MTM Response to recommendation RO-2014-016-SR-039

1. MTM agrees with this action.

2. Since the incident, MTM has been committed to improving the intensity of marker lights on both Comeng and Siemens fleet, noting that the X-Trapolis fleet already meet the Australian Standards.

3. In relation to the Comeng fleet, proposed improvements to the marker lights were provided to the ATSB and acknowledged in the Report.

4. In relation to the Siemens fleet, a design has been developed to improve the marker lights, which has not yet been fully tested. Further testing is subject to funding and approval by PTV.

Organisation Response

Date Received
Response Status
Response Text

MTM confirmed the Comeng mark lights had been upgraded across the fleet. 

ATSB Response

The ATSB accept MTM's proposed safety actions on this recommendation. 

ATSB Response date
ATSB Response

The ATSB accepts MTM's proposed safety actions on this recommendation.