Management of change
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Rail: Passenger - metropolitan
Issue Owner
NSW Trains; Sydney Trains
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Key operational staff in NSW Trains and Sydney Trains continued to operate under RailCorp legacy systems, even though documented transitional arrangements had re-established lines of responsibility and authority.

Issue Status Justification

The review of operational interfaces by NSW Trains is considered appropriate. While the action plan from the review has not been reviewed by ATSB, there is confidence the organisations’ action management system.

The action to brief Sydney Trains’ key operational staff of their roles and responsibilities is considered appropriate.

Proactive action
Action number
Sydney Trains
Action date
Action Status
Closed - Action Taken
Action description

Sydney Trains undertook a Level 5 investigation into issues around the incident. As a result of this safety investigation a series of recommendations were made to address a number of issues. Recommendation 2, "Develop a specific brief for TCLO roles and responsibilities”, has been completed.

Proactive action
Action number
NSW Trains
Action date
Action Status
Closed - Action Taken
Action description

NSW Trains commissioned a review of the current operational interfaces between NSW Trains and the respective Network Controls to identify any areas of concern. Then to develop and action an appropriate plan to address concerns raised.