Inadequacy of the doors open warning device
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
No longer relevant
Transport Function
Rail: Passenger - metropolitan
Issue Owner
Metro Trains Melbourne
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

The train door open/close indicator on the driver’s control console was inadequate as a warning device once the traction interlock had deactivated. 

Issue Status Justification

Given the circuit modification and provision of a manual key operated switch described in response to Action No–RO-2014-005-SR-030, this action is no longer applicable.

Safety recommendation
Action number
Metro Trains Melbourne
Action date
Action Status
Closed - No Longer Relevant
Action description

The ATSB recommends that MTM consider incorporating an additional warning device to heighten driver awareness that the train doors have not closed, if automatic deactivation is retained.  

Organisation Response

Date Received
Response Status
Response Text

Given the circuit modification and provision of a manual key operated switch described in response to Action No-RO-2017-005-SR-030, this action is no longer applicable. 

ATSB Response

Given the circuit modification and provision of a manual key operated switch described in response to Action No-RO-2017-005-SR-030, this action is no longer applicable. 

ATSB Response date
ATSB Response

Given the circuit modification and provision of a manual key operated switch described in response to Action NO-RO-2014-005-SR-030, this action is no longer applicable.