Elevated risk controls
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Rail: Infrastructure
Issue Owner
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

TasRail had not instigated proactive action to manage the elevated risks associated with ongoing track stability issues at, or near, the derailment site in accordance with their maintenance procedures.

Proactive action
Action number
Action date
Action Status
Action description

To address proactive action to manage elevated risks with track stability issues, TasRail propose to take the following actions:

  • Complete the capital programme to improve track stability for previously identified high risk areas. This programme includes an extensive concrete re-sleepering programme for tight curves in the area of the derailment.
  • Conduct a workshop for the review of hazardous locations and the management process for monitoring hazardous locations.
ATSB Response

The ATSB is satisfied that the action proposed by TasRail, when completed, should address this safety issue. The ATSB will monitor the proposed actions until completion.