Track inspection regime
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Rail: Infrastructure
Issue Owner
V/Line Pty Ltd
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

The track inspection regime did not identify the deteriorated rail condition at the O’Tooles Road level crossing. The regime placed an over-reliance on ultrasonic testing and did not include sufficient supplementary systems for monitoring the condition of buried track at unsealed level crossings.

Issue Status Justification

V/Line has initiated actions that, subject to their effective implementation, should improve the knowledge of asset condition and the management of risks associated with the deterioration of track at unsealed level crossings. ONRSR has advised of ongoing monitoring of the V/Line safety action to address safety issue, with completion expected 1 July 2017.

Proactive action
Action number
Action date
Action Status
Action description

Following the incident, V/Line examined 13 per cent of unsealed crossings in its network. The results of inspections were used to develop recommendations for other unsealed level crossings across the V/Line network.

V/Line’s Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS) will be updated with improved maintenance requirements for unsealed crossings, and an Asset Condition Criticality and Risk Index (ACCRI) assessment is underway to determine priority asset maintenance requirements, including those for unsealed crossings. 

Other specific actions advised by V/Line include:

  • The RFD (Rail Flaw Detection) regime was audited, and V/Line subsequently worked with Speno to improve ultrasonic test processes.
  • A further review has highlighted a number of high risk locations for priority attention and the buried crossings program will increase during 2015-16.
  • Unsealed crossings showing signs of drainage/formation failure will be brought forward in the Annual Works Plan (AWP).
  • Rails in unsealed crossings will be painted prior to installation (web and foot).

Organisation Response

Date Received
Response Status
Response Text

V/Line advise that inspection of level crossings is being discussed on a monthly basis with ONRSR (the national rail regulator).

Organisation Response

Date Received
Response Status
Response Text

ONRSR advised that through audit it was verifying that V/Line was continuing with its riskbased program for inspection of all unsealed level crossings. The V/Line program has an expected completion date of 1 July 2017.

ATSB Response

This is a complex safety issue that potentially affects a large number of crossings in the regional network. The safety actions advised by V/Line will assist in reducing the risk associated with this safety issue; however, it is recognised that the success of these actions is dependent on their effective implementation. Also, the risks associated with the latent condition of yet to be inspected unsealed level crossings must be managed.