Indicating the termination of broad-gauge track
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Network Operations
Issue Owner
Australian Rail Track Corporation
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

There was no warning indication at signal DYN114 to warn train crews that the broad-gauge rail terminated in the straight-ahead direction.

Issue Status Justification

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau is satisfied that the action proposed by ARTC will adequately address the safety issue.

Proactive action
Action number
Australian Rail Track Corporation
Action date
Action Status
Action description
ARTC will install signage onsite at the end of the turnout to indicate the cessation of the broad gauge track, e.g. 'End of Broad Gauge', provided a suitable and effective location free of any OH&S concerns can be identified. Additionally, ARTC will investigate the option of applying additional controls through:

  • The installation of indicators at dual-gauge/single-gauge turnouts to indicate track gauge configuration for train movements on the straight and diverging routes, e.g. DG/SG
  • Affix white reflectorize branding on the top of the rail head near the end of the broad gauge rail to indicate the physical cessation of the broad gauge