When the crossing was last surveyed under the ALCAM program, the measurement of the road angle resulted in an overestimation of the acute road-to-rail interface angle. The implication of overestimating the acute interface angle is that sighting deficiencies may be underestimated or not identified.
The ATSB is satisfied that the action taken by VicTrack reduces the risk associated with this safety issue.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that VicTrack reviews its instructions for the measurement of road angle to assure that worst case sighting scenarios are identified.
The methodology for ALCAM assessments is determined by the National ALCAM committee. The issue was placed on the agenda for the 2015 National ALCAM committee meeting. Any endorsed amendement to the current methododolgy will be implemented by VicTrack.
The ALCAM Committee will make changes to the Crossing Assessment Manual to highlight that surveyors are to base sighting distance measurement on a worst reasonable case vehicle path, and this advice will be included within the curriculum for future ALCAM field collection training.