Emergency management simulation exercises to test the preparedness of network control staff, train crew, and station customer service staff to respond cooperatively to rail safety emergencies had not been undertaken in accordance with the Queensland Rail Emergency Management Plan.
Work by Queensland Rail is continuing for the implementation of exercise documentation and training.
Queensland Rail has conducted two cross-business emergency exercises including a tunnel evacuation in October 2013 and a strategic desktop exercise in December 2013. Representatives from operations, customer corporate and the emergency services were participants in both exercises. The Emergency Management Unit has implemented site specific Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans at all SEQ stations including the development of localised incident management teams for local exercises. Short emergency scenario exercises have been developed for local managers to encourage cross-business participation.
Queensland Rail has developed a single integrated process to address communication protocols within the network control centre and between the network control centre and an emergency site.
Queensland Rail provided the ATSB with a copy of the Emergency Exercise Schedule for years 2013 and 2014. The schedule demonstrates the inclusion of internal business units and personnel working with external agencies for rail safety and security desk top and field type exercises. The schedule is regularly reviewed and adapted in accordance with operational requirements based on identified and emerging risks.
The ATSB is satisfied that the action taken by Queensland Rail addresses this safety issue.