The absence of a national standard that addresses the design, fitment and maintenance of rail guidance equipment and the safety performance for road-rail vehicles while on-rail, increases the risks associated with operating road-rail vehicles.
Transfield noted that this safety issue concerns the industry at large and confirmed that it is participating in the standards development process facilitated by the Rail Industry Safety Standards Board in relation to road-rail vehicles.
The Office of National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) is raising the awareness of operators with respect to road-rail vehicle safety. The ONRSR issued a Safety Bulletin in August 2013 and has conducted a series of workshops with industry. In addition, the ONRSR actively supports the development of a national standard, work to develop road-rail vehicle competency standards and is also investigating how to better capture rail safety data for the management of risks associated with road-rail vehicle operations.
Office of National Rail Safety Regulator Road/rail vehicle safety
The ATSB notes that the rail industry continues to participate in the development of a national standard that addresses the design, fitment and maintenance of rail guidance equipment and the safety performance for road-rail vehicles while on-rail. The successful development of a standard, when completed, should adequately address this safety issue.
The Rail Industry Safety Standards Board (RISSB) is facilitating the development of an Australian Standard, AS 7502, Road Rail Vehicles. The standard covers the basic requirements for road rail vehicles across their life cycle, including design, construction, testing/certification, operation, maintenance, modification and disposal.
The RISSB advised that they are actively encouraging its membership, and the wider rail industry, to participate in the standards development process. Development of AS 7502, Road Rail Vehicles is currently scheduled for completion by June 2015.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that the Rail Industry Safety Standards Board continue to progress the timely development of a standard that adequately addresses this safety issue.