A design based on using a clearance point at the interface of CA74C and CA74D should not have been implemented until it was established that the clearance between the Up Main line and No.1 Platform Road at the interface of CA74C and CA74D tracks was adequate.
ARTC's action for RO-2009-009-SAN-024 examined and accepted by ITSR.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau advises that the Australian Rail Track Corporation should consider the implications of this safety issue and take action where considered appropriate.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau advises that the Australian Rail Track Corporation should consider the implications of this safety issue and take action where considered appropriate.
ITSR has noted that ARTC's advice on the recommendation, and that ARTC has reviewed the cause of the signalling irregularity and completed remedial work on the clearance between the Up Main line and No: 1 patform at the interface of CA74C and CA74D.