Ampol preparations for increasing river current speed
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Marine: Other
Issue Owner
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Ampol’s assessment of risk to the ship and facility did not consider water speed in excess of the design and safety limits for the ship and berth mooring arrangements. 

Issue Status Justification

The safety action taken to enable safe operation of the wharf based on limits for wind and river current speeds adequately addresses the safety issue. 

Proactive action
Action number
Action description

Ampol conducted an internal investigation into the incident, which identified the lack of knowledge of actual current flow as a risk to ship and berth safety. The investigation also noted the need for a closer and more collaborative relationship with the port authorities.

Ampol subsequently engaged an external organisation to conduct analysis of mooring arrangements, requirements and limitations for ships berthed at the Ampol products berth in increasing and excessive current flows. Based on this study, Ampol developed a Product Wharf Safe Operating Envelope document to enable safe operation of the wharf under various wind and river current operating conditions. The document includes a scaled, 4-step response to increasing current when a tanker is berthed in the wharf.

This response requires no action when the river current is less than 2 knots, with consideration of cargo operations suspension when the current is between 2 and 2.5 knots. When the current exceeds 2.5 knots, cargo operations are to be stopped, loading arms disconnected and preparations made for the tanker to depart the wharf. If the river current exceeds 2.5 knots and is forecast to exceed 3.5 knots, Ampol will initiate the immediate departure of the tanker. The document also includes risk-based response to wind speeds exceeding 30 knots. The trigger to clear the wharf, as directed by the harbour master, is wind speed exceeding 45 knots. 

In addition, engagement with Maritime Safety Queensland and its harbour master and vessel traffic service has been increased and access to port weather and current meter data assured.