Halon system
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Marine: Shipboard operations
Issue Owner
Korea Leading Company of Ship Management (KLCSM)
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Marigold’s shipboard procedures for crew induction, familiarisation, fire drills and safety training were not effectively implemented. As a result, the ship’s senior officers were not sufficiently familiar with the Halon system’s operation. They did not identify its partial failure and did not activate the override function

Issue Status Justification

Proactive safety action taken by KLCSM, includes: focused training on fixed fire extinguishing systems to all crewmembers across its fleet.


Proactive action
Action number
Korea Leading Company of Ship Management (KLCSM)
Action date
Action Status
Action description

The company has committed to providing training that focuses on fixed fire extinguishing systems to all crewmembers across its fleet.