The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) recommendation for having a means of slipping the anchor cable bitter outside the chain locker had not been provided on board Royal Pescadores. Further, the ship’s classification society, ClassNK, does not consider that the IACS recommended slipping arrangement is necessary for reducing safety risk.
Proactive safety action has been undertaken by Shih Wei Navigation, and the ATSB has issued safety advisory notice MO-2014-003-SAN-020.
Shih Wei Navigation consulted ClassNK, the ship’s classification society to clarify the matter and was advised that advised that there was no requirement for the ship to have been fitted with a bitter end release arrangement outside the chain locker.
However, in recognition of the IACS recommended best practice and associated risk reduction, Shih Wei Navigation instructed its new ship building division to review the bitter end release arrangements provided on new ships. All the company’s recently built ships are provided with the recommended arrangements. Further, the company will fit all new ships in future in accordance with the IACS recommendation.
Response to safety issue by ClassNK
ClassNK advised the ATSB that it considers the recommended arrangements specified in the IACS recommendation are unnecessary as there have been no reported casualties caused by the lack of an external slipping arrangement.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau advises the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) that it should consider the safety implications of there being no requirement for its members to follow best practice with respect to anchor cable bitter end securing arrangements, consistent with IACS Recommendation No. 10, 1.2.2 (b).