The manufacturer’s calculations did not take into account the shock load imposed on the simulation wires or the lifeboat and launching frame mounting points.
Jiangsu Jiaoyan Marine Equipment Company has not advised of any action taken to calculate the shock loads imposed on the simulation system or the mounting points.
However, the instruction manuals have been updated to include a requirement for the fitting of two of the four lifting slings as an extra safety measure. The expected travel of the boat during a simulated launch has been reduced from 150–200 mm to 50 mm.
Boats fitted with ‘new type’ on-load releases will be fitted with a turnbuckle arrangement, in place of the wire slings, that will be loosened to allow for a travel of 10 mm during a simulated launch. The reduction in the distance travelled will considerably reduce the shock loads imposed on the simulation system.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau advises that all manufacturers of freefall lifeboats should calculate all of the forces that will be imposed on their simulation system. Further, the suitability of the materials used to make up the simulation system and the dissipation of forces imposed on them should also be assessed.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that Jiangsu Jiaoyan Marine Equipment Company takes safety action to address the lack of calculation of the shock loads imposed on the simulation wires. Further, the suitability of the materials used to make up the simulation system and how they dissipated the forces imposed on them should also be assessed.