Port entry procedures – Defect notification
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Marine: Shipboard operations
Issue Owner
Asiaworld Shipping Services and Maritime Safety Queensland
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

The ship’s agent’s information questionnaire did not ask for all of the information required to complete the QSHIPS booking form and ensure that defects were reported.

Issue Status Justification

The ongoing actions being taken by Asiaworld Shipping Service and Maritime Safety Queensland in conjunction with Brisbane Marine Pilots, will better ensure that the ship condition information sourced is accurate and the downstream users will be better placed to use it as a base for a risk analysis.

Proactive action
Action number
Asiaworld Shipping Service
Action date
Action Status
Action description

Asiaworld Shipping Service has updated its questionnaire to the masters of arriving ships to include the statement:

Please advise if your good vessel currently has any deficiency or other problem that may affect safe navigation, cargo operations or some other aspect of your port call at [port name], as we must declare all deficiencies to the Regional Harbour Master’s office.

ATSB Response

The ongoing actions being taken by Asiaworld Shipping Service and Maritime Safety Queensland, in conjunction with Brisbane Marine Pilots, will better ensure that the information sourced is accurate and the downstream users will be better placed to use it as a base for a risk analysis.

Proactive action
Action number
Maritime Safety Queensland
Action date
Action Status
Action description

Maritime Safety Queensland has advised that:

Face to face training will take place from the QSHIP support team to the agents and service providers in the first two weeks of June for the rollout of the upgraded version of QSHIPS on 18 June 2014.

During this training, it will be emphasised to agents that they are obligated to ask the master of a ship whether there are any ship defects before the agent makes that declaration in the defect module of QSHIPS when entering the ship’s movement into the programme.

VTS and pilots are to positively exchange vessel defect information during the initial VHF reporting, prior to commencing entry or departure.

VTS and BMP documented procedures (Port Procedures Manual, VTS Standard Operating Procedures and BMP Safety Management System) are being amended to fully reflect the requirement to positively exchange ship defect information during VHF reporting.

The master, owner and agents of the HC RUBINA were reminded of their statutory obligations to report a ship’s defects prior to a ship’s arrival at, or departure from a pilotage area. Section 181 of the Transport Operations Marine Safety Regulations 2004 refers to that report being made in the approved form. That obligation is met by accurately completing the mandatory ship defect field when making a booking through QSHIPS.

ATSB Response

The ongoing actions being taken by Asiaworld Shipping Service and Maritime Safety Queensland, in conjunction with Brisbane Marine Pilots, will better ensure that the information sourced is accurate and the downstream users will be better placed to use it as a base for a risk analysis.

Proactive action
Action number
Brisbane Marine Pilots
Action date
Action Status
Action description

Brisbane Marine Pilots has advised that:

  • Since the incident, in co-operation with MSQ, positive reporting of declared defects occurs between pilots and VTS.
  • On the 28th May 2014 the incident and defect reporting requirements were discussed at our monthly pilots meeting.
  • On the 4th June 2014 the incident and reporting requirements were discussed with the RHM’s office at our quarterly meeting.
  • On the 3rd July 2014 the reporting requirement was communicated to all pilots via email.
  • On the 30th July 2014 the incident and defect reporting requirements were again reinforced in discussions at our monthly pilots meeting.
  • On the 15th August 2014 a safety notice was issued, to confirm the defect reporting requirement, was issued to all pilots
ATSB Response

The ongoing actions being taken by Asiaworld Shipping Service and Maritime Safety Queensland, in conjunction with Brisbane Marine Pilots, will better ensure that the information sourced is accurate and the downstream users will be better placed to use it as a base for a risk analysis.