Guidance in the ground handling manual
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Aviation: Air transport
Issue Owner
Toll Aviation
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

The operator's ground handling manual did not contain detailed procedural guidance for facilitating accurate redistribution of freight and ensure that an aircraft would be correctly loaded.

Issue Status Justification

The amendments to the ground handling training program and ground handling manual included increased direction to ensure that freight would be accurately redistributed in the event of a last-minute change.

The ATSB, in consultation with Toll, contacted the new Metro aircraft operator to discuss the potential risk of a lack in procedural guidance for ground handling. Although the safety issue was not directly related to them, the new operator has reviewed their ground handling manual and incorporated amendments to address the safety issue. The ATSB is satisfied that, this, combined with the amendments to the training program and manual will reduce the risk of this safety issue.

Proactive action
Action number
Toll Aviation
Action Status
Action description

During the investigation, Toll Aviation advised that:

  • The amendments to their ground handling training program had been completed and incorporated detailed guidance on redistributing freight. This included specific instructions to re-weigh freight and not guess the weight.
  • They have divested their flying operations and no longer own or operate any aircraft. As a result, Toll relinquished its Civil Aviation Safety Authority Air Operator’s Certificate.
  • Their ground handling manual has been removed from their documentation suite.
  • They still conduct ground handling duties under their contracted aircraft operator’s ground handling publications. The new Metro operator has approved Toll’s amended ground training program.