Crew risk awareness
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Aviation: General aviation
Issue Owner
Jayrow Helicopters
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Although required by the harness instrument commonly issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, the operator did not appraise shooting crews of the risks of using only a harness for restraint during low-level flight.

Issue Status Justification

The advised changes will ensure participants are aware of the risks of using a harness at low level. This will enable crew to make decisions around their safety with full knowledge of the risks they face.

Proactive action
Action number
Jayrow Helicopters
Action date
Action Status
Action description

In January 2021, the operator advised:

Jayrow will be making crews aware of the increased risk of wearing a harness instead of a seatbelt as part of the flight crew briefing. JMS Volume 4 Part D Section 19 Crewman Harness Procedures will be updated to highlight the increased risk. Forms JR122 Harness Checklist and JR145 Passenger Briefing and Permission to Land will be amended to include a statement to this effect.

The operator provided copies of the relevant amendments.