Training for beta warning horn
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Aviation: Air transport
Issue Owner
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Many DHC-8 pilots were not made aware of the sound of the beta warning horn during their training.

Issue Status Justification

The operator has introduced a detailed initial and recurrent training program on the beta warning horn. The ATSB considers this safety action appropriate to address the issue.

Proactive action
Action number
Action date
Action Status
Action description

The operator has introduced a detailed initial and recurrent training program on the beta warning horn to provide exposure to the sound to its pilots.

Other actions taken by the aircraft operator

• The operator delivered a Flight Operations Airworthiness Bulletin to all its flight crew that introduced a policy on hand position relative to the flight idle gate triggers.

• The operator conducted a risk analysis to confirm appropriate controls had been implemented to prevent future events of power levers being placed below flight idle in flight.

• The operator has issued a Flight Training Standing Order to all training organisation staff to be vigilant during training/checking events about hand position in relation to the flight idle gate release triggers.

• Following a review of modification options for in-flight beta protection, the operator decided to introduce the beta lockout system modification to all fleet aircraft. The decision was made before the manufacturer introduced a pending requirement to fit the beta lockout system to all aircraft worldwide.

ATSB Response

The ATSB considers that the safety action taken by the operator has adequately addressed the issue.