Wind Modelling Criteria
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Aviation: Other
Issue Owner
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

There were no criteria for assessing the potential wind impact of aerodrome building developments on aircraft operations.

Issue Status Justification

DoIT have committed to and commenced action to develop guidelines and have awarded a tender to a wind consultancy. A wind tunnel study has been completed and DoIT have received the report.

Proactive action
Action number
Action date
Action Status
Action description

In response to the Australian Government's decision to safeguard airports and communities around them from inappropriate off-airport development, the Department of infrastructure and Transport has established the National Airports Safety Advisory Group (NASAG). NASAG is made up of senior officials from the Planning Departments of States and Territories, the Australian Local Government Association, senior officials from some Transport Departments, Airservices Australia, CASA and DoIT.

NASAG was established to provide advice to Governments on the establishment of a national safeguarding framework. Following agreement by NASAG, the Department, in close consultation with CASA, has engaged an independent firm with expertise in wind engineering to develop guidance material for airports and off-airport planning authorities on the potential windshear and mechanical turbulence effects of new constructions near runways.

This work will include:

(a) a review of relevant ICAO guidance material and existing research and approaches to assess world's leading practice;

(b) the establishment of criterion/ criteria which would trigger a detailed assessment of the potential for building-generated turbulence and windshear to affect the safety of operations at airports;

(c) guidance on the design and positioning of structures in relation to runways to minimise effects on aircraft operations; and

(d) guidance on other options to mitigate building generated turbulence and windshear for existing structures where safety risks are identified. This work is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2011.

ATSB Response

The ATSB is satisfied that the action taken by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport adequate addresses this safety issue.