Information for M18 agricultural operations at weights between 4,200 kg and 5,300 kg
Date issue released
Issue number
Transport Function
Aviation: General aviation
Issue Owner
Rebel Ag
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

There was a potential, depending on the supplements that were incorporated in an aircraft’s flight manual, for pilots and/or operators to apply incorrect operational limitations to agricultural operations in M18 and M18A Dromader aircraft at weights between 4,200 kg and 5,300 kg. This increased the risk of their inconsistent application to these operations, and the likelihood of the unknowing erosion of engineering safety margins and aircraft life.

Issue Status Justification

The ATSB is satisfied that the proposed safety action will, when implemented, adequately address the safety issue.

Proactive action
Action number
Rebel Ag
Action date
Action Status
Action description

The owner and developer of Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) SVA521 reported that pending Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) approval, they were in the process of amending it to clarify the applicability of aircraft flight manual limitations for operations between 4,200 kg and 5,300 kg.


Proactive action
Action number
Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)
Action date
Action Status
Action description

CASA advised that it will ensure that the applicant and their engineering organisation amends the SVA521 AFM supplement to include data covering all Restricted Category operations up to 6,600 kg (that is, from 4,200 kg to 6,600 kg). This will obviate the need for multiple AFM supplements and simplify the AFM overall, thus improving safety.

ATSB Response

The ATSB is satisfied that the proposed safety action will, when implemented, adequately address the safety issue.