Safety Recommendation
The ATSB recommends that Genesee & Wyoming Aust. Pty. Ltd.
(GWA) examine opportunities with the Australian Rail Track
Corporation (ARTC) and the Coorong District Council (CDC) for
reducing the road/rail interface risk at the Magpie Drive level
This should include opportunities for closure of the crossing
and/or realignment strategies that will improve both sighting and
viewing angles.
13. The ARTC/GWA and the CDC should
liaise with the SA Department for Transport, Energy &
Infrastructure's Level Crossing Unit (LCU) regarding design and
maintenance strategies that are available for reducing the
road/rail interface risk at level crossings and to gain assistance
with the assessment of options using the ALCAM. Upgrading the
crossing to active protection is unlikely to be a realistic option
at this location as the crossing was identified as a medium
priority on the LCU priority list. However, the LCU should
undertake a review in light of the accident and ensure the CDC is
fully aware of appropriate risk mitigation strategies that can be
implemented to minimise the road/rail risk at this location.